Cyrano of Bergerac
The masterpiece, a 2-hour performance by Stéphane Dauch, our Cyrano.

Born on a ship, abandoned on a piano, brought up by the crew, having never known any other world than the sea, Novecento became a pianist and discovered the world through the testimonies of the passengers.
During the 1900s, his reputation grew on all the transatlantic liners, from first to third class. He fascinated, intrigued and became a phenomenon for all those who listened to him.
A show without false notes!
Single adult ticket: €20
Under 26s: €12
Pre-sale ticket: €15
Sunday 26th January
& Monday 27 January 2025 at 8pm
Free seating
Genre: Musical from 10 years upwards
Running time: 1h
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Based on the novel by Alessandro BARICCO
Directed by Olivier CABASSUT
With Olivier CABASSUT and at the piano Philippe CAUCHI-POMPONI
Sets Ateliers Thanks Danny, Bertrand PERENNES and Sylvie PIERRE
Costumes Stéphanie SANCHEZ
Lighting Alexandre PENARRUBIA
The masterpiece, a 2-hour performance by Stéphane Dauch, our Cyrano.
Everyone knows the painting, but no one knows the story...
Oscar Wilde's only novel finally brought to the stage.